Accounting and Attestation

accountingWhen compiling an effective legal team, it is vital to choose top-notch litigation support services and expert witness testimony professionals. Winning a case depends on supporting your argument or position. With over 50 years of business accounting experience, Herblin possesses the experience and technical qualifications needed to offer expert witnesses testimony for depositions, mediated settlements and arbitration. We work closely with legal counsel to provide sound technical support and credible testimony. Our seasoned professionals assist with your strategy, perform research and investigations, and develop exhibit materials for legal counsel. Our professionals are used to spending time in court as an expert witness — helping the judge, jurors and lawyers to understand the financial aspects of many types of cases. Herblin provides accounting and financial litigation expertise in a wide array of areas, including:

  • Reviews
  • Agreed Upon Procedures
  • Compilations
  • Internal Control Evaluations
  • Accounting Consultation:
    • Budget and Cash Flow
    • Financial Projections
    • Business Plans
    • Profitability Studies
    • General Ledger/Chart of Accounts
    • Acquisitions Due Diligence/Sale preparation
    • Accounting management and structure